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Badass Foreword

I am so excited to share this book and this news with you.

I was honored to be invited by my friend Dr. Lori Monaco to write the Foreword for her third anthology publication, “Her Badass Story 3”. She prompted me to write about how I feel about the importance of our stories and how they can connect and inspire us.

Inside this book you will find new comrades and heroes. You can read my Foreword when you purchase the book, or below this to spark your interest in reading it.

Her Badass Story book 3

Click the cover or use the link below to purchase on Amazon.

I hope you purchase and enjoy. If you like it, leave a review on Amazon. As an author of two books, I can tell you how much reviews are appreciated.


Stories connect us to ourselves, and connect others with us when we tell them. When told, our stories infuse understanding in others’ hearts, while our telling helps us recognize and mine our own gold.

There is such vulnerability in the naked telling of the often unspeakable challenges we didn’t deserve or didn’t think we could endure. Our triumphs over them are the immeasurable value- we grow. These stories bond us. They help us respect the foibles of others while offering the hope and inspiration to realize our own potential and greatness.

These stories are loud in their softness and strong in their resilience. Women are the stronger sex- I have no doubt. You may have heard we are moving into the age of the Divine Feminine. We are, but not in what might be the fearfully misconstrued expectations of the patriarchal world from which we strive to emerge.

As women, we conquer ourselves to bring the balance that’s been missing all along. We’ve been long bound by history (HIS-story), all the while knowing that the only way life really works is NOT through dominance rather by blending the masculine and feminine- OURstory. Roles be damned. Was Mother Mary immaculate because men prefer to think of their mothers that way? Was Mary Magdalene a whore because that desire isn’t their vision for a wife? Women are so much more motivated by cooperative and authentic relationships.

Living in our country and a world that also rewards the “stiff upper-lip” approach to vulnerability, stories like the ones in this book demonstrate a type of heroism and bravery often unnoticed or appreciated. We share them to be unmasked and understood.

We think that if we share our stories we will be judged. Instead, other people open up to share theirs. I have been humbled by learning what others have experienced. I never would have guessed. It makes me work on remembering that we never know what anyone else is going through. With that, I challenge myself to share more, learn to ask more often, and listen more heartfully. The discoveries are life altering.

Bravo, to all who opened their lives to share the stories between these covers. These are just a few as compared to what is untold in our midst. Each story is special, but not unique. There is awe and comfort here. That’s why it’s so important for us to read them and share ours.

Tanya Detrik is an Author and a Speaker. Tanya speaks to audiences of all types about the power our perspectives play in our experiences. She is the author of two books, Waking up with Nora, a grandmother’s memoir of her very special granddaughter, and This is Grief, when breathing hurts, love songs suck, and good days come with guilt, a unique and beautifully illustrated book about the thoughts and grief experiences after the death of a beloved spouse. Tanya also ghostwrites books for non-writers.


©Tanya Detrik 2020
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