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Asking You (yes you) to Listen

I have many good things in my life, and among them one is my daughter Tracey. One not so good thing that has impacted her life is as a result of a responsibility for something I failed to see at the time.

Regret doesn’t serve anyone, but Tracey has a spirit that continues to rise.

This post is about that.

I believe that you have a responsibility to read and listen because you may also not see what is right in front of you, or think how our society thinks or responds on the subject is acceptable. That is rape culture, and sexual abuse. I know, not fun subjects, but so important.  

The statistics are heartbreaking at all levels. It doesn’t take much to pay attention if you know what you are looking for. I didn’t. All I can do now is pass this on to you and yours.

It’s important to be informed that:   

There are over 37 million adult survivors of child sexual abuse living in the U.S. today. 1 in 5 girls and 1 in 13 boys will go on to experience sexual abuse before the age of 18…

Please read on and listen.

Tracey belongs and is a speaker who shares her story to help others through her participation in the Jane Doe No More organization, whose goal is: Empowering survivors of sexual crimes to find their voice, advance their healing and educate others. And says: We envision a society that no longer spreads doubt, instills fear, casts shame or places blame on survivors of sexual crimes.


I am asking you to be a part of that society. Check out the Jane Doe No More website, see the faces, be aware of the resources. Jane Do No More is based in Naugatuck, CT. Among other things their Escape Alive self-defense workshops are amazing and well worth becoming more aware and safe in daily life.

Just think of how many people you know. If you aren't a survivor then you know several people who fit this definition. If you are on the other side of this abuse, get help.

Below is the link to Tracey Blackman’s podcasted interview, “The Fight Against Rape Culture.” You will be informed, and as she told me, “It’s not triggering.” It’s just real.

This is Tracey. I took this photo off of the Jane Doe No More website.

Thanks for reading, and listening.


©Tanya Detrik 2020
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